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When to Worry About Foot Pain


Many of us experience foot pain at some point in our lives. Whether it’s from an injury, wearing ill-fitting shoes, or simply overuse, foot pain is a common problem. However, sometimes foot pain can be a sign of something more serious. Here are four signs that you should see a doctor about your foot pain:

#1: You Can’t Put Weight on Your Foot without Pain

If you are experiencing foot pain that is so severe that you can’t put any weight on your foot, it’s time to see a doctor. This kind of pain is usually the result of an injury and trying to walk on it will only make the injury worse. If you can’t put any weight on your foot, it’s best to stay off of it and see a doctor as soon as possible.

#2: The Pain is Getting Worse Instead of Better

If you are experiencing foot pain that seems to be getting worse instead of better, it’s time to see a doctor. The longer you wait to seek medical attention, the worse the condition could become. In some cases, untreated foot pain can lead to permanent damage. Don’t wait to get the help you need!

#3: You Have diabetes

If you have diabetes, even a small cut or blister on your foot can become a serious problem. Diabetic neuropathy can cause numbness in your feet which makes it difficult to notice injuries. That’s why it’s important to see a doctor as soon as you start experiencing any kind of foot pain. Your doctor can determine whether the pain is being caused by an injury or diabetic neuropathy.

#4: You Have Foot Pain that Interferes with Your Daily Life

If your foot pain is interfering with your ability to live your life the way you want to, it’s time to see a doctor. Don’t let Foot pain keep you from doing the things you love. There are many different treatment options available for foot pain, so there’s no need to suffer in silence. Schedule an appointment with The Foot Doctors today!

Many times, foot pain will go away on its own with rest and home remedies like ice and ibuprofen. However, sometimes foot pain can be a sign of something more serious. If you experience any of the following four signs, it’s time to see a doctor about your foot pain:

You can’t put weight on your foot without pain, The pain is getting worse instead of better, you have diabetes, you have foot pain that interferes with your daily life. - Don’t let foot pain keep you from living your life!



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